Automate that Dependency with dependabot

Automate that Dependency with dependabot

No project is written by one person or one team alone, each and every project is full of dependencies. Some of that you have written and many written by others. Even the frameworks that you use are a bunch of dependencies/libraries wired together. lets look at how to be keep updated with those dependencies with dependabot

Database replication as a scalability tactic in Relational Databases

Database replication as a scalability tactic in Relational Databases

When your app starts to have performance issues with an increase in the number of requests, database replication is one quick way to breathe a little bit of performance into your app. a Database replica is a duplicate copy of your database. But it is _replicated_ meaning the data is reproduced in a replica the same way it was initially created in the original database.

PHP enums

PHP enums

I would like to write a little about how I/we at work use it and how it helps us to get things done in a better way. Let's also look into some syntax as well.

Running Docker Container in Github actions in Mac Runners

Running Docker Container in Github actions in Mac Runners

It's a pretty common need to run a docker container in a github action. Recently I was looking at one of my [open source project]( and decided to move away from Travis CI to github actions for my CI pipeline. I had to run a docker container as part of this task.